


Hyaluronic Acid is a substance that our body produces naturally and that is found in the skin. The production of this active ingredient is key to the skin's structure and to maintaining its hydration levels. For this reason it is a fundamental cosmetic asset in the routine and care of our skin.

Over time, the synthesis capacity of Hyaluronic Acid is reduced and there is a loss of volume and contour in the facial ovule, appearing wrinkles that generate an aged appearance.

Hyaluronic Acid is an asset that is capable of capturing up to 1000 times its weight in water , improving the hydration of our skin.


Are all Hyaluronic Acids the same?

No , since there are several types of Hyaluronic Acid depending on the molecular weight it has. Currently and thanks to research we find that not all hyaluronic acids (HA) are the same, and therefore it is very important to know the molecular weight they have.

We distinguish two main types :

High molecular weight Hyaluronic Acid provides the skin with a superficial filling effect. Due to the large size of its particles , it does not penetrate the deepest layers of the skin , which is deposited on the surface and we obtain a smoother, firmer and more hydrated skin from the outside . It forms a viscoelastic surface film that protects the interior water and prevents its loss. Its benefits are above all dehydration wrinkles.

In the case of high molecular weight Acid, we find it INCI : Sodium Hyaluronate, Hyaluronic acid. With which a flash effect is achieved, since it remains at the superficial level, it will retain water and help our skin to be hydrated.


Low molecular weight Hyaluronic Acid has a smaller particle and penetrates deeper layers of the dermis . Moisturizes the skin more deeply and stimulates the synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid in our skin, with an anti-aging and anti-wrinkle effect from within, providing a more flexible and elastic skin .

Maintains water molecules in cells and tissues. It retains water in a percentage equivalent to thousands of times its weight . It has super moisturizing properties generating stimulation to the formation of collagen .

Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid is more expensive to produce, which is why we find it in medium-high range cosmetic products. In the list of ingredients it is called "fragmented" or "hydrolyzed" hyaluronic INCI: Hydrolyzed Hyaluronic Acid.

This low molecular weight acid does have the capacity to penetrate and is capable of reaching the dermis, which is why it has a filling function that reduces wrinkles by promoting the synthesis of the skin's own natural hyaluronic acid.

We hear a lot about HA Hyaluronic Acid, but its molecular weight is less than what we find in different cosmetics. And that makes us not value the difference in quality between the different products and which ones are more suitable for our skin.

In conclusion, the main difference between the Low Molecular Weight Acid and the previous one is that the latter penetrates our skin more deeply, reaching deeper layers due to the smaller size of these molecules.

In the line of our products THE ORIGIN THERAPY HYALURONIC & VITAMIN C SERUM and HYALURONIC FACIAL CREAM , we mainly use low and very low molecular weight Hyaluronic Acid , which provides a firmer complexion and much more flexible skin by penetrating the innermost layers of the dermis. And these assets, mixed with other active ingredients with vitamins, antioxidants and antipollution, makes it a perfect combination.

In summary, hyaluronic acid is a natural component of our epidermis , which is lost over the years and is what causes the so-called signs of aging to appear.



